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Over the years I have heard this story so many times-

The painful first steps in the morning when getting out of bed, which does ease up a little once you get moving...but it is still such a frustrating feeling.

The issue of painful first steps in AM can be linked to a variety of diagnoses:

Plantar fasciitis, ankle impingement, chronic ankle instability, peroneal tendonitis, and posterior tibialis tendonitis

Treatment options most people come to me that they have tried or had suggested to them are:

Stretches the doctor printed on a paper, cortisone shots, xrays, taking OTC anti-inflammatory medicine, told to rest and stop exercise and once in awhile physical therapy

Most who work with Athletity have found us on their own--searching for some help out of frustration of none of the things above really making a difference.

The crazy thing about all of this is even general physical therapists can get this treatment wrong.

Most physical therapists are generalists with about 1-2 weeks of school time spent on the foot and ankle....which leads to generic treatments and grinding at the painful area with needles, scraping, cupping or other gadgets.

Over the last 15 years the gadgets change (used to be TENS, iontophoresis and ultrasound) but within my first 2 years as a physical therapist I found grinding on the area that hurts does not lead to relief.

What does is identifying WHY that area hurting is overworked. Sometimes it is a mobility issue in a nearby area. Sometimes it is the volume of exercise your training schedule had. Only 10% of the time is weakness the leading cause.

Strength work is needed, yes. I have found strength work comes second and when most skip this first phase results take longer.

If you're working with a physical therapist or provider--you should see results in 3 weeks. If nothing has changed--then the approach is not working for your body.

If Aldina's story above inspired you and you have goals you would like to get back to...including getting out of bed in the morning feeling good then share your story with me on the interest form below.

Have you dealt with something similar?

Told in her words:

How One Mom Went From Painful First Steps in AM to Running A 10k