Concierge Physical Therapy available for Marysville, OH and Dublin, OH residents.
Home Therapy visits for ordinary active individuals. Everything is brought to you.
Treatments can include: Manual therapy, Strain-Counterstrain, Trigger point release, Total Motion Release, Therapeutic Exercise, Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy Techniques, Neuromuscular Re-education
Appointments not realistic?
Try one of our on-demand follow-along programs. Currently offering Sleep Soundly for pregnancy and Postpartum Reset (Pelvic Floor + Core).
Get expert care from anywhere.
Available for Ohio and Tennesee residents at this time.
Learn the true cause of your symptoms then choose Basic or Premium Monthly Membership to be guided to full healing.
Fill out our no-obligation contact form and we will contact you to answer your questions.
We understand making the right choice of who to work with is important.
614 526 4104

Ready to Start Feeling Better?
Have a muscle, joint, tendon issue like a sprain, strain, tendonitis or pain?
We call these musculoskeletal diagnoses. It's what Dr. Shari specializes in.
By focusing on finding your true cause of your issue you can have
lasting results, faster.
It shouldn't take weeks to see a change in symptoms.
Only a visit or two.
Everything in the body is connected.
So let's treat it that way.
- Ankle Sprain Client: back to full practice in 3 days
- Hamstring Strain Client: back to full practice in 10 days
- Knee Pain in Soccer Player: 14 days to 100%
What We Can Help With
Youth Injuries
- 4 month Foot pain: 100% gone 2 visits
- Back Pain: 50% gone DURING ultra-marathon (treated mid-race virtually)
- Knee Pain: 4 visits back to training (running)
Fitness Injuries/Aches
- Back Pain: 80% better in 2 visits
- Upper Back Pain: 60% better first visit
- Sciatica: Better in 4 visits and able to run race third trimester
- Back Pain: 50% better in one week with Bump Balance program
Pregnancy Aches
- Severe Back Pain: able to do all daily activities pain free within 3 days
- Hips Out of Place: Resolved in 4 visits
- Sciatica: Resolved in 3 visits
- Diastasis Recti: Resolved with Postpartum Reset program
- Bladder leaking: Resolved with Postpartum Reset program

614 526 4104
Privacy Policy
© 2022. All rights reserved.

Medical Disclaimer: All information on this site is for educational purposes only. All results vary based on individual effort, stage of recovery, duration of symptoms and cannot be guaranteed. We do our best to help and refer to other medical providers if changes are not seen when expected.
Improvements Our Clients Have Experienced

Why Clients Get Better, Faster: The Athletity Way
ReBalance: The first phase is finding what part of the body is out of balance or sync and guiding it back to balance.
This can be from imbalances in muscles, nervous system or joint alignment.
The goal of this phase is ReBalance which leads to a decrease in pain and symptoms in your daily life.
Our Proven 3 Step Process for Lasting Relief and
Getting Back to What You Love
ReTraining: The second phase is retraining your body.
This is teaching your body motor control so that your brain and muscles work in-sync the way you want them to.
The goal of this phase is ReTraining which leads to your body being able to keep the results longer as you gradually increase your daily activity and add harder tasks back in.
ReBuild: The third phase is challenging your body.
This involves strength training to resolve any lingering weakness and to increase the difficulty level of what you're doing.
The goal of this phase is to ReBuild your body to handle challenges-whether this is hiking uneven ground, increasing mileage, being fully back to sport or lifting heavier without pain or limitation.